


[英国剧集][喜剧|恐怖|奇幻][My Bloody Banjo][WEB-1080P][MP4|MKV]

豆瓣链接: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26286438/ 片名: My Bloody Banjo 译名: Banjo 年份: 2015-05-14(戛纳电影节) 类型: 喜剧 恐怖 奇幻  语言: 英语 导演: Liam Regan 国家: 英国  主演: James Hamer-Morton / Dani Thompson / Vito Trigo / Clay von Carlowitz / Serena Chloe Gardner / Laurence R. Harvey / Dan Palmer / David Curtis / 洛伊德·考夫曼 / Tony Manders / Mia Vore / Kurt Dirt / Ernest Vernon
剧情 :

My Bloody Banjo is a 2015 horror film that follows the story of Peltzer Arbuckle, a struggling musician who inherits a cursed banjo from his late uncle. As Peltzer begins to play the banjo, he becomes possessed by the dark entity that resides within it, and he is driven to commit a series of brutal and violent murders.As the killings escalate, Peltzer s friends and family become increasingly concerned about his erratic behavior. They soon realize that the banjo is the source of the evil that has taken hold of Peltzer, and they must find a way to stop the bloodshed before it s too late.As the bodies pile up, Peltzer s grip on reality begins to slip, and he becomes consumed by the malevolent force that controls him. His loved ones race against time to uncover the banjo s dark history and find a way to break the curse before Peltzer becomes a permanent vessel for the evil spirit.The film is a gory and intense exploration of the power of evil and the lengths to which people will go to survive in the face of a malevolent force. It delves into the depths of the human psyche and the destructive nature of possession, all against the backdrop of a small town plagued by a sinister musical instrument.

《My Bloody Banjo》是一部结合了喜剧、恐怖和奇幻元素的英国剧集,故事情节紧凑引人入胜。这部剧以WEB-1080P的高清画质呈现,可选择MP4或MKV格式进行下载观看。剧集中融合了多种风格,让观众在欢笑之余也能感受到一丝惊悚和奇幻的氛围。通过磁力下载,观众可以更方便地享受这部剧集带来的精彩内容。剧情中的角色塑造栩栩如生,每个人物都有着独特的魅力和个性,使得整个故事更加生动有趣。剧中的情节转折令人意想不到,时而逗趣搞笑,时而扣人心弦,给观众带来不一样的观影体验。喜剧元素让观众捧腹大笑,恐怖元素让人毛骨悚然,奇幻元素则让人沉浸在神秘的世界里。这部剧集在创意和想象力上有着独特的表现,通过对癫狂与诡异的融合,展现了一种别开生面的风格。无论是喜剧的搞笑桥段还是恐怖的惊悚场面,都展现了剧组在制作过程中的用心和努力。观众在观看这部剧集时,会被带入一个充满神秘色彩的世界,感受到不一样的视听盛宴。









房坏坏| 2024-5-10 11:20:52 | 显示全部楼层
《My Bloody Banjo》是一部轻松休闲的娱乐作品,充满了幽默和怪异的情节,绝对是一部不容错过的黑色喜剧片
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