Before the Fire is a 2020 film that follows the story of a Hollywood actress, Ava Boone, who is forced to flee her home as a deadly virus sweeps across the globe, leaving society in chaos. Ava seeks refuge in her rural hometown, where she is reunited with her estranged sister and nephew.As the virus continues to spread and resources become scarce, the small town becomes a battleground for survival. Ava soon realizes that the virus is not the only threat as the town s residents become increasingly desperate and violent.As tensions rise, Ava must navigate the dangerous landscape in order to protect her family and survive. The film explores themes of resilience, sacrifice, and the lengths people will go to in the face of a crisis.Before the Fire is a gripping thriller that offers a chilling portrayal of a world on the brink of collapse, and the lengths people will go to in order to survive.
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