

【Lads and Lassies on Parade】海报

《The Kilties Are Coming/Lads and Lassies on Parade》[1951][英国/纪录片][1080P][MKV/3.57GB]

豆瓣链接: https://movie.douban.com/subject/35048574/ 片名: The Kilties Are Coming 译名: Lads and Lassies on Parade 年份: 1951(英国) 片长: 52分钟 类型: 歌舞 纪录片/记录  语言: 英语 导演: Robert Jordan Hill 国家: 英国  主演: Peter Sinclair / The Royal Kiltie Juniors / Molly Booth / Kim Haughton / Agnes Quinn / Margaret Thompson / Ralph Bryson / Rosalie Lowe / Glenys Horton / Janet Burgess / Mrs. Thomson / Mr. Haughton / Mrs. Haughton / Mr. Samuel Booth / Mrs. Samuel Booth / MacDonald Hobley
剧情 :

The Kilties Are Coming is a 1951 British comedy film directed by Leslie S. Hiscott and starring Jack Radcliffe, Eddie Leslie, and Patricia Dainton. The film follows a group of Scottish soldiers who are mistakenly sent to a small English town instead of their intended destination in the Middle East. The locals mistake them for a group of visiting musicians and welcome them with open arms, leading to a series of comedic misunderstandings and mishaps.The film begins with the Kilties, a group of Scottish soldiers, receiving orders to deploy to the Middle East. However, due to a mix-up in communications, they are instead sent to a small English town. When they arrive, they are mistaken for a group of visiting Scottish musicians and are warmly welcomed by the locals.The Kilties decide to play along with the misunderstanding in order to enjoy some time away from the military routine. They quickly win over the townspeople with their music, charm, and distinctive kilts. The local hotel owner, Mrs. Macpherson, takes a particular liking to the soldiers and offers them free room and board.As the Kilties settle into their new roles as musicians, they become embroiled in various comedic situations. They clash with a rival group of musicians, accidentally cause chaos at a local fair, and even find themselves caught up in a romantic entanglement when one of the soldiers falls for a local girl.Meanwhile, the military authorities are frantically searching for the missing soldiers, leading to a series of misunderstandings and near-misses as the Kilties try to keep their true identities hidden. Eventually, the truth comes out, and the soldiers are forced to leave the town and continue on to their intended destination.The Kilties Are Coming is a lighthearted and entertaining comedy that showcases the cultural clash between the Scottish soldiers and the English townspeople, as well as the camaraderie and mischief that ensues when the soldiers find themselves in an unexpected situation. The film is filled with music, humor, and heartwarming moments as the unlikely group of characters come together and overcome their differences.

1951年的英国纪录片《The Kilties Are Coming/Lads and Lassies on Parade》,让观众仿佛置身于充满苏格兰风情的世界中。这部片子以1080P的清晰画质呈现,让人仿佛能感受到身临其境的感觉。影片时长3.57GB,内容丰富,让人目不暇接。片中的男男女女参加游行,身穿苏格兰传统的裙子和制服,整齐划一地列队前行,形成一道绚丽的风景线。他们手持鲜艳的旗帜,载歌载舞,展示着苏格兰独有的民俗风情。在片中,观众可以领略到苏格兰独特的传统文化,感受到那份淳朴和热情。《The Kilties Are Coming/Lads and Lassies on Parade》透露出一种浓厚的民族气息,让人仿佛置身于苏格兰的大地之中。整个片子仿佛是一场充满欢乐和活力的游行,让人仿佛置身于一个奇妙的世界之中,不由自主地被吸引。这部纪录片以其独特的视角和精彩的内容,让观众在欣赏的过程中不断被惊喜和感动所深深打动。
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