圣斗士星矢:起源 / 圣斗士星矢:开端 / Knights of the Zodiac / Saint Seiya: Knights Of The Zodiac / Knights of the Zodiac Live Action Film海报

〔2023〕〔科幻动作〕〔圣斗士星矢 真人版〕〔HD/1080P〕〔英语中字〕

《圣斗士星矢 The Beginning》是一部根据日本漫画《圣斗士星矢》改编的真人版电影,于2023年上映。该电影以原作的故事为基础,讲述了一群身着圣衣的守护者,为了守护爱与正义,与邪恶力量战斗的故事。故事发生在一个神话般的世界,人们相信在星宿之间存在着一种神秘的力量,能够赋予人们超凡的力量和使命。正义的圣斗士们担负着保护地球和宇宙的使命,他们分别拥有着黄金、白银、青铜等不同等级的圣衣,每位圣斗士都有着独特的能力和技能。故事的主人公是一群青年圣斗士,他们被称为青铜圣斗士。主角白羊星座的白羊星矢、双子星座的双子星迪欧斯、处女星座的处女星修罗、天秤星座的天秤星紫龙和射手星座的射手星一辉。他们在成为圣斗士之前都是普通的青年,但因为各自的命运而被选中成为圣斗士,开始了他们的守护之路。在他们的成长过程中,他们历经磨难,不断接受挑战和考验。他们与邪恶势力冥王哈迪斯、冥女雅典娜以及其他邪恶圣斗士斗智斗勇,用他们的勇气、智慧和力量守护着正义与爱。电影通过真人化的方式,展现了圣斗士们的热血、正义和勇气,同时也表现了他们内心的挣扎和成长。观众可以在电影中感受到原作中的经典剧情和热血场面,同时也能看到更加真实的人物形象和战斗场景



月球叛军:火之女 Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire (2023) / Rebel Moon—第1部:火之女 / 卫星叛军:火之女 / 月球叛军1 / 反叛行星 / 反叛之月 / 月球叛军 / Rebel Moon / Rebel.Moon.Part.One.A.Child.Of.Fire.2023.1080p.DDP5.1.Atmos-磁力链

Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire is set in a fictional galaxy where the peaceful settlement of Veldt finds itself under threat from the tyrannical Motherworld. The story follows Kora (played by Sofia Boutella), a former Imperium soldier, who gathers a team of warriors to defend their homeworld. Alongside characters like Titus, a former general, and Gunnar, a farmer secretly in love with Kora, they confront Admiral Atticus Noble and his forces【6†source】.Throughout the film, Kora s true identity is revealed. She was once Arthelais, a soldier in the Imperium army, until her family was killed by Balisarius, who raised her to become a ruthless warrior. Kora later deserts the Imperium and finds refuge on Veldt, where she begins to resist Balisarius and the oppressive regime【7†source】.The film s climax involves Kora s team facing off against Admiral Noble. Kora ultimately defeats Noble, but his body is recovered and resurrected by Motherworld forces using advanced technology. Noble is sent into an astral plane where he meets Balisarius, who orders him to capture Kora alive, considering her as a daughter figure【7†source】. Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire is only the beginning of the story, with a sequel planned to continue the narrative【7†source】.
