





Resistance is a 2020 biographical drama film that tells the story of the famous French mime Marcel Marceau, who helped save the lives of thousands of Jewish children during World War II. The film begins with the German invasion of France in 1940 and follows the young Marcel, played by Jesse Eisenberg, as he joins the French Resistance.Marcel initially uses his skills as a mime to entertain children in a refugee camp, but he soon becomes involved in more dangerous activities. With the help of his fellow resistance fighters, Marcel uses his acting and miming abilities to help smuggle Jewish children out of Nazi-occupied France and into Switzerland, saving them from almost certain death in concentration camps.As Marcel and his comrades work tirelessly to save as many lives as possible, they face constant danger and the ever-present threat of discovery by the Nazis. Along the way, Marcel forms a close bond with a group of children he is helping to protect, and he becomes more deeply committed to the resistance cause.The film also explores Marcel s personal struggles and the toll that his clandestine activities take on him, as well as the sacrifices made by his fellow resistance fighters. As the war rages on, Marcel and his allies continue their courageous efforts to defy the Nazis and save as many lives as they can.Resistance is a powerful and moving portrayal of one man s bravery and determination to make a difference in the face of overwhelming evil. The film celebrates the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring legacy of those who risked everything to resist oppression and stand up for what is right.

无声救援(台) / 无声的反抗 / 抵抗

末代皇帝溥仪(港) / L'ultimo imperatore / Le dernier empereur海报

【末代皇帝 4K蓝光原盘下载 The Last Emperor (1987)】【末代皇帝溥仪(港)】【The.Last.Emperor.1987.2160p.BluRay.REMUX.HEVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1】

《末代皇帝》(The Last Emperor)是一部1987年上映的意大利英语历史传记电影,由贝尔纳多·贝托鲁奇执导,作为一部史诗性的作品,该片根据真实历史事件改编,讲述了清朝末代皇帝溥仪的生平经历。故事以溥仪(约翰·莱戈扎莫饰)的童年开始。他在北京紫禁城长大,成为了中国最后一个皇帝。年幼时,他被选定为储君,但其实权力早已落入他的父亲和皇族官员的手中。溥仪的童年充满了华丽与孤独。他在宫中受到了严格的教育,但与外界几乎没有联系。他的母亲则是他唯一的亲近者,但母子之间的关系也受到了宫廷政治的干扰。1911年辛亥革命爆发后,清朝灭亡,溥仪被迫离开紫禁城,成为了名义上的废黜皇帝。在接下来的岁月里,他经历了各种变故和挑战。他先后在中国、日本和苏联度过了流亡生涯,经历了政治动荡和战争的洗礼。在日本的支持下,溥仪曾被立为伪满洲国皇帝,但他并未获得实际的权力。他的生活逐渐沦为了政治棋子,被各方利益所左右。随着时间的推移,溥仪逐渐意识到了自己在历史漩涡中的渺小和无力。他开始反思自己过去的行为和选择,对于自己在中国历史上的角色产生了深刻的疑问和反思。最终,随着第二次世界大战的结束和中国共产党的胜利,溥仪被逮捕并被判处监禁。在监狱里,他度过了余生,并在1970年代末被释放。直至1987年,溥仪在北京逝世,结束了他传奇而悲剧的一生。《末代皇帝》通过溥仪这一历史人物的生平,展现了中国近现代历史的重要时期,同时也深刻反映了个人命运与历史的交织关系,以及权力、政治和自我认知等主题。

末代皇帝 The Last Emperor
