The Lookout is a 2007 crime thriller film directed by Scott Frank. The movie revolves around Chris Pratt (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a former high school hockey star whose life takes a tragic turn after a car accident leaves him with a brain injury.As a result of his injury, Chris struggles with memory loss, lack of focus, and impaired decision-making abilities. He is forced to drop out of college and takes up a job as a janitor at a bank in his hometown in Kansas. Chris finds himself drawn into a criminal gang s plan to rob the bank, led by a smooth-talking con man named Gary Spargo (Matthew Goode).Gary uses Chris s vulnerability and desperation to manipulate him into helping with the heist. Chris is torn between his loyalty to the gang and his own conscience, which tells him that what he s doing is wrong. Meanwhile, Chris s roommate, Lewis (Jeff Daniels), a blind man, becomes his voice of reason and tries to convince him to stay away from the gang.As the day of the robbery approaches, tensions rise, and Chris realizes that he is in over his head. Faced with the consequences of his actions, he must find a way to escape the gang s clutches and redeem himself.The movie is a gripping tale of redemption, loyalty, and the consequences of making poor choices. Joseph Gordon-Levitt delivers a stellar performance, portraying Chris s vulnerability and inner turmoil with authenticity and depth. The supporting cast, including Jeff Daniels and Matthew Goode, also delivers excellent performances, adding depth and complexity to the movie s characters.Overall, The Lookout is a must-watch for fans of crime thrillers and character-driven dramas, with its nuanced storytelling, gripping plot, and outstanding performances.